Watch Curt Bonk and Meina Zhu, from Indiana University, discuss how to create a learning environment to facilitate learners’ self directed learning in this webinar recording.

More than 100 million learners enroll annually in over 11,400 MOOCs from some 900+ universities around the world. However, most MOOC participants do not complete the course of study.

Indiana University’s study of MOOC research indicates that MOOC instructors believe that they can create a learning environment to facilitate students’ self directed learning. To help students with self-management, self-monitoring, and motivation, MOOC instructors use a variety of strategies such as helping students set their own learning goals, building learning communities, offering immediate feedback, embedding quizzes for self-assessment, providing progress indicators, inserting reflection questions, designing short learning units, offering flexible timelines, highlighting estimated time frames, and making available optional learning materials. 

In the future, adaptive learning systems, artificial intelligent systems, and learning analytics are expected to support self directed learning. Several suggestions for instructors, instructional designers, and MOOC providers will be offered in this session.

You can find more information on Professor Curt Bonk here. Curt is joined by his colleague, Meina Zhu, an Associate Instructor & Ph.D. Candidate in Instructional Systems Technology.

MOOC/muːk/Noun: a course of study made available over the Internet without charge to a very large number of people.


Webinar recording: Fostering self-directed learning in MOOCs.
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